Wake up.
Hold your breath.
While you hear the hollers and screams coming from down the hall,
You sneak out of bed, hoping not to be heard.
For a time, you remember back when you felt safe and secure;
You wish more than anything that you could go back to that once more.
Nothing is worse than feeling the fears that you’re not good enough, not strong enough, not smart enough,
But you honestly try so hard.
You try, try try, until you reach the breaking point,
Except they don’t understand why you’re so down under and can’t seem to get a grip of what’s in front of you.
You speak out, you scream, you shout,
Still no one hears you because everyone just drowns you out.
How am I supposed to get somewhere in the world when I’m left on the curb,
Left alone, expecting to face my whole entire future on my own.
I can prove them wrong,
I can show them that I do have enough strength to hold on,
To get through whatever life throws at me,
But please realize what you’re expecting from me.
I’m still in high school, college too,
I’ve never spent the time to bend the rules.
I was afraid of getting in trouble and having everything I worked so hard for get torn away from me.
Yet, the person I am is never rewarded because I’m just a good girl and that’s all I’ve ever shown to be.
My head is on my shoulders,
I know where my future is going,
But because I can do all that, I guess I can also somehow gather the funds to get myself there.
This is where I learn that the world is harsh and simply unfair.
All the anxieties, the rushes, the worries, and the hushes,
My time is running out but I’m still going to try.
They tell me it’s alright, that my future is going to be so bright!
But honestly, none of that helps me at the end of the day.
I really just need to know that everything will be okay.