Realizing Your Worth
Growing up seems so tough
from bumps, to scratches, to broken bones
and then broken hearts.
You see, I'm a lover not a fighter
so I've felt more heart aches than bone breaks
in my 20 years.
You might say a heartache is better than a broken leg
but I beg to differ.
Going through so much loss and pain,
mentally destroys you physically.
For a while I was in denial
making myself weaker, and weaker.
You see I'm only telling you this because
although it was one of the hardest things
I've had to deal with it's also one of the things
that made me grow the most.
I realized my self worth
that I didn't deserve this abuse.
I needed need to be passive
and continue to let you break my heart.
I could learn to love MYSELF
and GROW into the person I always wanted to be
To BE the person I needed when no one was around.
As soon as I let go of all those years of toxicity
I could sleep through the night knowing
my future held nothing but beautiful possibilities.
No matter how dark it seems,
push yourself to find your worth.
The end result is far more astonishing
than you'd ever believe.