Read it and Weep
Yeah You’re right.
I so stupidly,
But truly
Allowed the man
Drunk beyond words
To shove his,
His 12-inch, well endowed,
Schlong in my anus
Because I enjoy that type of shit.
I was tapping out
By a man from wherever
As long as it’s the right size
Shit, shove that shit, all the way in
No please, I insist.
Na, don’t be scared,
If I scream, and squirm,
And after a while
Seem to give in
It’s because I love that shit
That shit don’t hurt!
I’m a slut, do with me what you please
Make me thank God for blessing me
With such a miraculous moment
Sodomy, that’s not a sin!
Society got that shit all wrong,,
The shit is great
No no no,
What you doing?
Boy keep going,
You shove that shit right in there
If the condom breaks, don’t sweat it
Some 28 days of hell
With the help of
Will put any and every chance of
Disease, to run its course.
Am I crazy?
Na I’m not crazy
I love being told
How much of a slut
I am, and continuously reminded
Of how much dignity
I don’t have because
Each and every hemmorhoid
I’ve had after you fucked the shit out of me
Is an external reminder of how much
Love and afflection each bitch
In this rape cultured society
Should get, it’s normal!
Law enforcement
Dude, what is that?
Don’t talk that crazy mess
You know 98% of yall
Spiteful, and horny mother fuckers
Ever get put in jail
Don’t even sweat it.
And hey if it makes you feel better,
I’m over the age of 18
Which is significant proof
To assume that I consented
To this type of shit,
Did you want to fuck my pussy now?