Rapunzel: Saving Myself
Once upon a time,
There was a princess who lived high in a tower.
Her hair blonde and long--a cut or trim, she never did have.
The prince was determined to save her, with his manly power.
He rode his bike most valiantly to her home away from the city,
The prince stood down at the bottom and yelled up at the trapped princess
to let down her hair so he could see her up close--he just knew her to be so pretty!
The princess peeked through her window and decided to hide.
She didn't want the prince to come anywhere near her!
He continued to yell and finally she showed her face, "Go away," she cried.
"I am here to save you," he announced, puffed up with pride.
"I don't need saving," the princess shared, with great confidence.
"Groceries are delivered and I have amazing Wi-Fi."
Still the prince was insistent that he was needed.
He stayed there all day and night, demanding that she let him help.
He begged to be let up, "Let me save you," he constantly pleaded.
But the princess suffered from General Anxiety Disorder
and didn't want to leave the comfort of the tower she'd built herself.
Not to mention all the things she'd have to leave behind--as she was a mild hoarder.
Eventually the prince gave up, declaring he'd been friend zoned.
He called her names, and yelled up curses but the prince soon grew tired
"Girls never want the nice guy," he moaned.
Months later on an internet chat site.
the princess made a friend in the form of the love of her life.
The woman was kind, sweet, and bright.
She moved in with her princess, in the high tower.
It took time and some adjustment and though she was frightened,
into her space the princess would allow her.
Now the pair lives happily with their pet dog.
The princess shares her experiences with others like her,
Posting helpful ancdotes on her newly created blog.
Nothing was perfect, despite her life now a fairy tale.
But Rapunzel was happy and making progress on her mental health.
She never needed that prince to save her, she just needed to save herself.