Dear human population of planet Earth,
A single raindrop slips from the clouds
plummets through the air
and lands on the windshield
Of your 2014 Subaru Forester
Failing to catch your eye
It slides down the glass
Skims the white-painted metal and
drips off
just below your license plate
The raindrop splats onto the asphalt
Fulfilling its sole purpose:
To sit there waiting
In that exact spot
And while the raindrop waits there
It realizes that its true purpose
Up until that moment
Had been much more significant
Much larger and much more important
Than waiting
It remembers the other raindrops
How they would describe
Dripping off of blades of emerald grass
being absorbed by rich soil
Swimming through roots and stems
And being entirely pure
But this raindrop
Sealed off and blacked out
Never even got the chance
The opportunity
The possibility
Of purity
This raindrop
Is infected
It is quite disappointing
You see
Since its intentions were pure
But that’s the thing about reality
The intention doesn’t always align with the result.