Primal Truth
Sometimes I miss life
Yearn for it really
Maybe the apst
I'm not sure, it's just a flutter
I yearn
Yearn that is the word I feel
I yearn for the things I don't have
No, that;s not right
I don't know what it is I yearn for
But I do
I do
I know what I want, what I want to feel
Have in my grasp
It's not an object no
It's this
But the parts of this that make this this
I want to feel it
All o fit
I want it
I didn't I would but I do and I don't want to run out before it's too late
This is prime
I am prime
I just,
Want it all
More yearn for it all
I am not a needy person or wanton
I just yearn for it
For the life, the feeling
I get there, I know I do
But I don't have the half of it