Poetry Sanctuary
Noise, noise, all of the noise
Yelling, screaming, yelling, screaming
It gets louder as it enters my head
Headaches, not only headaches,
Bruises, cuts, and scrapes too,
Wounds, from head to toe, mentally and physically
Pain that only worsens until unbearable
When will it end? It doesn't end.
I ask God, why? Why me?
Then peace. I find peace.
I find peace in my room, in the corner,
An oasis.
I find peace looking at the sky,
There's hope.
I find peace in the memories of a once beautiful world,
I find peace in letting my frustration out through words
My sanctuary.
I find an escape by letting my words run out of my hands,
like water out of a faucet.
I let my soul be free from the chains that are burdened with pain
My heart can speak for itself, not for the masked figure that carries it around
With courage, I can climb the highest mountains and speak against my enemies
On paper, I choose my own destiny as I do in my dreams
It is a new world to me. It is a new life to me. A second chance.
I can thank my poetry sanctuary for being there for me,
When I was knocked down by my demons