Poetry Is A Gateway Drug to Success
I've been searchin' the web for months now
Looking for someone to be my cash cow
someone to pay off that tuition
and clear the way for me to complete my mission
I know the likelyhood of me winning is a million to one
I know the likelyhood of me succeeding is almost zero
but that's not what I'm here for
I wasn't born just to hit that reset button the second the game hits level 2
I wasn't planning on quitting when I was the one strong sperm in my father's.....um, long goose
I wasn't created to quit when the going ets tough
I was born to say "Hell NO! STAND UP!"
I'm a rebel at heart, but a passionate saint
I'm polite to my elders
I hardly ever say "ain't"
I like to sit in my room and tik-tak on the computer
And let all the letters on my keyboard know I’m their ruler
Setting fire to the web
posting lyrics
never drab
always fab
Now that may seem fruity to some but that ain’t, or isn’t the point
The point is the point you see
The point is/are the limericks I breathe
The words I spout, the fire I spill
Spill because holding all this in is a crime
At least I hope it is
Because I wanna hear everyone else’s fire
I want to feel them burn those tires
Well, I guess I’d smell it first
That burning rubber
Like holding that foot on the gas as you take off
Fast and Furious
First gear’s click
Second gear’s shift
Third and Forth are a given once you light up that engine called the paper
This world is full of it
This lyrical beat call rhyme and rap
Called poetry
Called crap
But those who call it crap don’t know
Don’t know how far we’ll go
When We Rhyme Like We’ve Never Rhymed Before
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Jermone - this is great! Can we share it our followers on Twitter and Facebook?
Mary (PP Staff)
Your poem is so relatable. Maybe I'm just in a similar spot, but I felt a connection to your words.
Lydia Pandorf
This is amazing. I'm speechless... I was reading and then it made me rethink I even had a chance to win any scholarship because no matter what all these poems have true value but it's something that draws attention or draws fans that usually hits the mark and makes an outcome. I relate to this poem and I just want to take a few claps slowly to say BRAVO! Skills dude, skills.
This is awesome, the way you write is remarkable. I could read this over and over. Truly amazing!
This is truly AMAZING!!! I LOVE YOUR FIRE!
Very powerful, and really relatable
Peter Rico
I can notice an emcee when I feel one. I bet you spit bars too! Good job with this.
wow! great job!! I think you should win....or maybe come in second and let me come in first ;) jk, let the best poet win! (which is probably you) I called mine Paper Power if you want to check it out.
Wow...your poem literally blew me away ! I love it! Especially the continual rythm that never ceased to flow till the end.