Poem to a Goddess (Maya Angelou tribute)
"I've learned that people will forget what you've said, people will forget what you've did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Wise words from a wiser woman, the activist in her inspired a poet.
In me. dear Maya as you lay in your grave at the age of 86, we will never forget the inspiration you left and also I want you to know this.
To me you were the other side of my grandmother the side I never got to experience, now you're gone and the worlds eyes are just tearing up, that no one can step up to fill your experience, but maybe someone can with some luck.
Maya Angelou as you take your final breath, know that we will never forget you even in death.
Dear Maya Angelou a treasure to the world, now lost physically, what a world..
You will be missed as the world took a moment of silence to mourn the loss, of an activist and poet, and in the grave both of those wonderous things were tossed in.
This is a few words that I wish I could have spoken to you in person, that you were a wonderful woman, and you inspired not just a nation, but a generation, to continue to be poets and change the world, please rest forever in peace you wonderful person.