Poems from Poetic X

18 year old living in Martinsburg, West Virginia. loves to write poetry, I'm not looking for fame but I want to be noticed for my talents, it takes time and hard work in correct balance. on my journey I'll suffer many fails and successes, be prepared to experience a gift these poems come from my dark recesses.
I feel like fallin out I just hope you got my back, my mind is what you sprinting through it’s like you runnin track.I feel this pounding...
iPhone 5s and the conformity has started
Promised not to follow the pack yet I got the Xbox one regardless.
I'm charged to the outlet,...
Waking up in the morning it is the first thing on my mind, to practice and hone my skills until it's my time. To become MLG, a dream that...
I just want to make a name for myself, a passion to support myself.
This shy soul has words never spoken before, In my mirror these words...
I felt this pain in my chest, the pain to pierce a bulletproof vest.
A girl miles away who stole the heart of mine a long time ago, I just...