The Pledge of Allegiance
I pledge allegiance
To the flag
I remember the day
My best friend said
“I think I might be gay”
He couldn’t tell his parents ‘cause he’d be dead
I said, “don’t worry, it’s okay”
Hell, I knew already anyway
Of the United States of America
And to the republic
Public schools with kids in them who cannot be themselves
For which it stands
“Stand up”, they say
Be different
It’s okay
One nation
But in our nation
In our realm of education
They don’t mean it
Under God
God sees them as abominations
Divisible are the families
Who do not accept their sons and daughters
With liberty
Liberty will never be found
If we do not learn
And justice
Justice is not something
That should have to be earned
For all
All are entitled to equal rights
Marriage is a human right
Not a heterosexual privilege
But this is America
Home of the free
Isn’t it?