Playing Make Believe


Emptiness everywhere.

In, around, out front, in back.

Just empty.

No people. No noise. No laughter. No anything.

Just nothing everywhere.

It is as silent as the wind that blows through the nothing.

What am I supposed to do now?

I cannot go back there for help.

Because back there is the nothing,

And back there is also the problem.

The nothing everywhere is the problem.

So how do I fix it? Do I pretend there is something where the nothing is?

Do I imagine the people? The noise? The laughter?

I could try. I could look one way and imagine the people.

I could walk another way and pretend there is noise.

I could go that way and make up the laughter.

But there is none. The nothingness mocks me.

I need a response but it will not comply.

The nothingness just stays silent. Silent as the wind.

So the question is not how but can.

Can I fix the problem?

Not this time. Not this problem.

So I must wait. Wait with baited breath while time churns on.

Wait until the people, the noise, the laughter come back.

Wait until I can look at the benches and see the people.

Wait until I can walk in the cafeteria and hear the noise.

Wait until I can go onto the quad and feel the laughter.

Because now, now there is nothing.

No people, no noise, no laughter.

Just nothing. Nothing and the wind.


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