That Perfect Caption
That perfect caption -
it's all I need to say.
It tells the world what I'm doing,
where I'm at,
when I'll be away.
That corresponding picture
(damn I look so fine!)
screams "Girls: watch out!
Boys: I’m hot – flock to come be mine!"
The perfect post
has a ton of likes
and lets my followers know
"Yeah, I'm popular -
you can tell I do alright (;"
But to be honest,
it’s all a sham
and doesn’t really matter.
Will I care in twenty years
about the social media clatter?
People see the insta posts
and think what they want to think.
They always judge prematurely
and quickly move on to the next best link.
So I’m imma do what I wanna do
and spend some time outside,
cause looking at an iPhone screen
makes me feel sunshine deprived.