I'm not one to hold grudges I don't care about the hype. I've come so far and you know I'm not the vengeful type but I still can't believe I let myself stoop so low because you let me cling on to a false hope. I was driven to the edge and you left me alone to fight the demons taking refuge in my head. It's okay I didn't rot I came back stronger than ever and at least in the end I knew I always fought but I refuse to remember. There's nothing left to do there's nothing left to say it was for the best we went our separate ways. You are my past and like everything in it; it should stay dead in its grave. I wish I was capable of hate, but I'd rather be stepped on I'd rather be forgiving than to embrace an unstable desparate cage. I want you to know that you were my greatest lesson it prepared me for a greater blessing. I hope you can sleep at night now knowing I'm ok, knowing I'm not the same man who I was seven months ago. I received closure; Christ forgave me for the way I treated you, as did I myself and you. Now it's your turn to forgive yourself for the choices you made and for what you did to me. I'm not capable of hate but I'd rather be murdered than be desparate. I think it's best you keep your distance pretend I faded away from existence just forget my name.