Our mind's inspiration are our bodies
I sit in the back of a dimly lit room
Dancers swiftly move in unison in front of me
Staring at her gleaming costume
I never thought I would be free
My eye met the movement inquisitively
My body followed after
I developed the lines instinctually
My mind was the puppet and body the master
Dance did not become my passion
Feeling did
Thinking was not my action
My thoughts hid
For six years I've developd my life
to encompass an attitude of understanding
For six years I've cast away strife
A different way of commanding
I now stand on a brightly lit floor
Dancers swiftly move in unison with me
A young boy shaken from his core
Staring up with absolute glee
This is why I am here
I am a example of self discovery
I'm not here to fade away and disappear
The boy locked in my ribcage found the key