Operation Death
I saw a time before this
Sometime before we left
With a warm fuzzy feeling inside all of them
I saw an aggregation coming together as time just froze for us
A paradise island for just us
I am a small girl’s friend
Some may say that I was a spoiled brat
Food,materials that enclose my body like a blanket at night
Light and time to do whatever I imagined
Sitting on the throne of the world
The gods ruined my perfect world of never ending bliss
We were told they were fireworks
Completely safe, but I didn't quite believe that
Discarded, jilted, and dissipated by the Gods
Institutionalize in a neversack
The chilling breeze was cold enough to the touch
It felt as if you were encased in ice
Seeing snow rrreeddd from the boot prints by soldiers plantigrading on
Then I became hermatic in my crusade for hibernation
I saw an explosion and blo-o-o-d
I was petrified and I started to burst into tears
I bide in a corner of the holder
Waiting Waiting Waiting for my savior
Then everything is in a state of ataractic
Then time stopped
I sense a calmness inside of me
Then a curtain of darkness came over
I can’t remember what happened after that
I awoke after the battle
I was reborn from the holder to the world
I felt a breeze that chilled me to the bone
I see the father looking at and holding me
His eyes had regret and a fleeing look of distress
I saw the blackest ink of
snow closing in around me
Like the fall of day into night
He was sitting on chimney of sorts
And the holder casted off to the side,
discarded forever
Everywhere I looked I saw death the breeze said
To stay or leave and risk death
I want to go home to them
But I must stay here to defend the
Pride of the country
This will be over soon I promise
That night, I heard a siren wailing
I came out of my hiding spot
It was the father
It was a nightmare
They said it was battle fatigue
I don’t understand
I want to go home
To you