Open Your Eyes, Sleep
You come to find that life isn't going to love you
Stay in your bed till you feel my body become numb. Stay in bed till YOU feel nothing
Light shines through your window, and there you still are
Sleeping still like the thoughts in your head
Still as death itself;
Your breathing proves you to be alive
But not full of life.
You wake from a dreamless sleep, and hope that night still hangs in the air...
The light gives away and burned your hope
You close your eyes, and hope to fall into another dreamless sleep
But now that you're breathing is slowing down, and becomes shallow;
You feel actual life leave your body.
But in what way are you dying?
Your heart speeds than slows
Speeds than slows... Speeds than slows,
Like the breaths you know will not stop
Breathing seems far-off now that all you hear is your heart
Thudding painfully obvious in your ear;
Keep your eyes locked shut, cover your eyes, and stay awake
Now open your eyes, and sleep...
Open Your Eyes Sleep.