One Thousand (and One)
Take them off!
Take them off!
Show us who you really are!
Let us see
Thy true face
Thy true fears
And thy true hates
There's a nod from a performer
A smirk from a magician
A smile from a teacher
And a chuckle from a snake
The first layer goes
(One lie down, a thousand to go)
and with it is the performer.
The second layer is next
(And that's two, folks)
and with it the magician
The third layer is not final
(Three is not for luck)
And so the teacher fades too
The fourth layer makes hands shake
(Four is for death, but not my own)
And so falls the snake
The fifth and six, follow swiftly.
No smiles or cheers from the crowd
Some have left in boredom
Some say rooted in horrid fasination
As skin melts away
As a human I stand,
Charged with felony,
I lived and breathed,
Smiled and cared,
But these masks I wear...
They've done it all for me
By the time twenty is hit
Most the chairs are empty
No one wants to see this show
Because they know
This is the end.
When hundred is hit,
and the masks start bleeding
(start pleading, "Please, let me stay!")
Tears are wiped away with blood
Hands are stained
And masks removed
The Hall is empty now
As the last mask falls to the ground
The host of players are all gone
And one remains
It is I
And my masks.
For I am the Masks
And the Masks are me.
This naked figure does not shiver
Does not laugh, smile, or quake
It fixes empty eyes on empty chairs
And says,
"It is finished."