One more day to embrace mistakes
20 years on earth
I've made ton of sorry things
like I've been soaked in the world
of mistakes.
Not being an eye candy
amazingly beautiful
was a mistake
Laughing at myself in front of the mirror
was a mistake
Singing publicly when I was not ready
was a mistake
Spelling my guts to a stranger
who wouldn't care
was a mistake
Accepting my triumphs and failing to try harder
harder and harder
was a mistake
Denying my essence of vulnerability
was a mistake
Saying goodbye to my best friend and leaving my friendship seedy
breaking her heart
was a mistake
Leaving without uttering a word
which should have been "Farewell, I'm going away"
was a mistake
Feeling imcomplete and selt-hating inside
was a mistake
Folling my heart
was a mistake
Following my mind
was a mistake
Giving more than asking
was a mistake
Loving foolishly
when I didn't even know whether he was worth my efforts
was a mistake
Stop prusuing my dreams
thinking they were unachievable
was a mistake
Taking the leap with fate
was a mistake
Claiming I was really strong and capable
that I could do everything without asking for a hand
was a mistake
Believing I was loved
was a mistake
Lending all my heart
and all my soul
was a mistake
Being a misfit
lost in a crowded room
was a mistake
Failing to hope and stop chasing down faith
was a mistake
Becoming a desperado
was a mistake
Revealing my eyes streaming with desperate tears
was a mistake
Suffering in silence
was a mistake
Enjoying elation in silence
was a mistake
And here Me.
Open my eyes to the life
And understand one more thing
that I would never ever take those mistakes bakc
Cause the Me today is actually created by all those sorry things.
I am not going to ask you how many mistakes have you been through so far
I am merely going to ask you
"Where were the original parts of every single cells
on your shinning face
right in your heart
deep in your soul