One Month

It’s officially been one month since the last time that we spoke,

And there are days where I am still trying to pick up the pieces that you broke.

And most days I am doing pretty well,

But there are other days where I am still reminded that I am in the midst of Hell.

Because every once in a while you cross my mind,

And I am reminded of what was once a happier time.

And on that one month anniversary it hit me pretty hard,

And it left me knowing that I am still going to feel scarred.

It will take time for things to get better after everything that occurred,

Because I hate to admit it that there are so many lines that are still blurred.

Because there are still so many thoughts that are running through my head,

Because I still remember all of the words that were said.

And that is how I knew I loved you, because after everything you did, I still am hoping for you to 

come to your senses,

And I know that if you reached out, I would be willing to mend those fences.

Because no matter what I do, you still have that hold over me,

And I have accepted the fact that this is how it is always going to be.

Because I will always love you, and I hate to admit it,

That I know this is something that I will never be able to quit.

Because I can’t sit here and say there has been no one else since you,

Just none of them do everything that you could do.

I don’t get excited when I see them, and then don’t give me butterflies,

And their smile doesn’t lighten up the gray skies.

And their eyes don’t sparkle the way that your did,

And I don’t get that love story of knowing them since they were a kid.

And as I’m sitting here writing this, all of those feelings are coming back,

And all of the work that I put in is slowly starting to turn black.

Because it has never hurt this bad with anyone before,

And there is nothing I want more.

Then for you to come back and finally realized you made a mistake,

Because you never being in my life again is something that I can’t take. 


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