One Job, WON'T Change My Life
To dream only of work, is to dream only of death.
Are we really working to live, or living only to work?
In a society with a distorted perception of happiness,
Where is hope found in the field of our dreams?
What is it that we wish for when we dream?
Is it security, fortune, or fame?
What if those things are all indubitably within us?
When we forget the material satisfaction of "work"
What are we left with?
A fancy title at a big company whose interests conflict your own?
I am not a robot. I am not a pawn in position. I am a Person.
I think, feel, and act as an individual, and as an individual I shine.
Wealth is within me, regardless of what my bank statement says.
I dream of a universe where my happiness is set in love.
A place where my satisfaction, is the satisfaction I provide.
I wish for an existence untainted by judgment and pretentiousness;
Balance and an understanding between different perspectives in life.
I picture a world that is a product of peace and positive energy,
A demonstration of the true strength of our human spirit.
Trust in your universe, and it will provide.
Put your faith in the fact that everything happens for a reason,
And you are never left wondering why the way Earth is as it is.
Check in on yourself. How are you doing spiritually?
Are you spreading peace, love, and prosperity, or negativity?
Only YOUR actions are the cause.
Trust the universe will provide the appropriate effect.
My dream "Job" is to inspire the masses.
Through the power of music and literature within me,
paired with the technical knowledge provided by business school.
I dream of a day where I am able to open minds through my art.
To help us evolve from the challenges we each face each day.
This "human condition" we've been granted is a huge gift, or a curse.
The difference is the perspective through which you see life.
Release the pursuit of external material objects,
Replace with the pursuit of true happiness within.