One Job May Change My Life
Potential is what I see
when I look in in the mirror staring at me.
Thousands of ways to help the world...
But will I be so ever bold?
To work one of my destined careers,
That helps both of Earth's hemispheres?
Wanting to do what inspires,
To be the one the critic hires,
One job could change my life,
to show my usefulness in time...
Looking for recognition from my parent voices,
they speak to me me like I'm worthless.
Mother and father say that fate,
will never for me open the gate.
I will never amount to anything,
and to live is lying and cheating.
Told I'm just another female toy,
and the only thing needed is a rich ol' boy.
Living off other men,
is the purpose of all women.
Not believing this I leave and stray,
To start the job game I seek to play.
Taken in by people who care,
this is my dream that I want to share:
"To have a job that will make me a part of humanity
and become useful to any and everybody.
Just one job could change my life...
To prove to my parents that I'm more than a useless wife."
I am smart, strong, and special,
So please let me become beneficial!