Once upon a time
While wishing upon a star
You stopped to think of who you are
A person who has school as the main equation
And where fun no longer brings the same elation
So you close your eyes and think of a day long ago
Where you still had time to learn and grow
When songs would always rhyme
And tales were as old as time
Where in a whole new world
A genie's phenomenal cosmic powers swirled
Making a street-rat into a handsome prince
And him falling in love with the princess just makes sense
A beast both selfish and unkind
Made a diffefrent fairy tale unwind
Where an enchanted rose was brought to him
And a young girl's love he had to win
A magical world under the sea
Held a girl who longed to be free
A collection of trinckets from up above
Led to the finding of her true love
A simple bippity-boppity-boo
Let a cinder girl's dream come true
A prince who searched for a slipper's fit
Outdoing an evil step-mother's wit
The hi-ho of little men
Is where another story begins
A girl who was fairest of them all
Finds the men who aren't so tall
An evil fairy in all her spite
Placed a spell on a girl one night
Leaving true love's first kiss
To bring the kingdom to total bliss
Opening your eyes once more to look upon the sky
A Chesire grin appears along with a twinkle in your eye
Your childhood days are no longer as far as it seems
Because "Once upon a time" will always be in your dreams