For Once.
I don't make friends easily,
I don't put makeup on my clear face,
I don't have a sexual drive.
In teen words. I am pretty much a fail.
I assume I don't belong.
To be honest, everyone's so similar and
that's fine.
Take a selfie and photograph your 'Vanilla Bean Frappe'.
Wonder how your offsprings will seem like.
Plan your wedding dress.
Next week's date.
That's fine.
However, this is not me.
I guess I'm jealous on how easily satisfied,
girls my age tend to be...
I'm odd.
I actually want to know my existence,
I want to bleach out my traumas and fears.
Dreams of mine include running,
in a dazzling foreign city,
filled of glowing night life.
I'll meet men whose tongues speak
other languages and ideas,
My soul will temporary fall in love with them.
Let's speak our minds and don't hold back,
Question everything until you like the answer.
Crave knowledge and vast experiences,
Let's love someone for a night...
For once,
I just want my feelings to come and go...