The Old Me
The Old Me
Hollowed and tied back to the bumble tree
Or maybe pushed off and truely set free
Waiting, Waiting, Exstaticly -for others to valide me
Shaking,berated,I'm breaking inside
Shaken down and abused by my mind
That's Not Him- he's missing that twinkle he had in his eye
Over and Over, I keep thinking -
Are last words were a fight
I'm Traped Here
In this dungeon I created Inside
Lets go back, to the old me
When that little girl's fire burned high
i'm traped here
i'm traped
no... Your... NOT...
That girl you refer to, is hurt and she burns you
Her happiness an ember of fasades
Her happiness a mirage gain from Jane, Tim, and Todd
Your self love is strong
Compare yourself wrong
To the sufficating
Black and Blue
Old You
*Editors Notes
If your feeling like your in a rut you can't go back to who you were before.
That version of you is more toxic than you know and so its time to admire the new you for it's qualitys and not it's faults. Growing up and dealing with the death of a friend has truely taught me inner love. If you are not nice to yourself who will be?
Growing up is finding room to love yourself fully and without exeption.