Thrown out of my own home
Out into the cold
So young, yet so old
Wisdom doesn’t make you stronger
Holding back tears doesn’t make things better
All I wanted is to live peacefully together
When you hit me I didn’t fight back
When you threw me I felt like a rag
Then you cursed me and the life that I have
I fought death more than one time
I screamed and cried more than I’d like
You made me hate myself for being alive
Now I’m broken, shattered and torn
My emotions keep surging more and more
If I take this pain any longer my body itself will be sore
To block the pain of broken love
I must block all emotion
All at once
Now I’m numb to what you say
Now I can’t feel my fathers hate
Now I can finally get away
When I think of my sister I will no longer cry
When I think of it all I will no longer want to die
When I look up I will now only see the sky
Wait, now I can’t feel the door
I can’t feel the wind on my pores
I can’t feel anything anymore
I watch life go by like a movie screen
I touch and touch and I feel nothing
Now I don’t even know reality
Now I’m numb...