No Pain, No Gain
No Pain, No Gain
My parents used to rush to me when I scraped my knee
When I said I had an “ouchy”
They used to worry about me
So much so that they could not sleep
But letting them grow means you got to let them go
So they slowly started leaving me more alone
Until one day I had to deal with my pain
All on my own
Now I was the one who could not sleep
As I wondered why he did not love me
Was it my big thighs?
My boring eyes?
Or maybe it was the way I pushed him away
When we got too close
And I got afraid
After years of long nights
And countless ugly cries
I no longer wanted to be alone
Or do this journey on my own
I realized what we all see sooner or later:
We’re not meant to live isolated
Or hold our fears inside
Because life is waiting for us outside
And there will be another one that won’t love you
That’s just a guarantee
And maybe another
But I love me
And that’s the beauty of it
Any other love that comes, is secondary