New Beginning
Living with this darkness. Always weighing me down.
Thinking dark thoughts; wandering around this strange and lonely town.
Can't get rid of this depression; seems like any hope I once held is coming to an end.
FInding releif at last; but this relief can't last.
Heroin is it's name; my old best friend; the memories of her forever haunting my past.
A destructtive drug which has wasted two years of my life, and taken many of my friends
My goals were forgotten; my values drifted away. Living that way impossible; couldn't do it anymore
Finally asking for help, facing the fear of being found out. That day
wIll forever be one of my proudest memories.
On the right track again; clean from drugs, thinking with a clear mind; but so much regret and guilt about that time in my life
Working through these issues will always be an ongoing task,
But I no longer have to wear that horrible mask;
That I donned for so long; now willing to do whatever it takes to get my life back
Depression under control for the first time in years; never thought that darkness would fade; The future now looks bright
Continuing my education is now my main goal; I have won this terrifying fight
Maybe one day I will make a difference in this world; shedding light on this problem that is so difficult to treat; but I know can be beat
I believe I can accomplish anything
For I am an example of someone with a new beginning.