My Own Hell
A monument to all your sins,
Perched upon the zenith of all your darkest fears,
Scorned with the duties by an omnipotent sibling.
Fiercely possessive and consumed by a black rage
A toll waits at the river Styx
Where the skeleton crew adivse
A wall looms
Its gates guarded; a thirst for life and gore.
Cowards and Heroes,
Judged as one; wander the shadows for eons,
Awaiting their fated trial.
Those of unusual virtue,
Rewarded with bliss and joy
For those who are punished,
Descending into nothingness,
A black void where unfathomable fear dwell;
The epitome of nightmares, of suffering and dread,
Furies that none shall welcome with open arms,
But fear as an ominous warning.
This place will become your home; this place will become your tomb.