We can’t remember every single thing we do in our lives, but there are certain moments that stand out to us that we remember forever. A good idea for a poem is to write about a specific memory that you have. Take a look at some of our poems -- maybe they'll spark a memory of your own.
- Select. We remember certain aspects of our life because they made an impact on us. Think about a memory you have, and why you believe that memory comes to mind so quickly.
- Develop. Expand on the memory itself. For example, how old were you when this happened? Which people were involved? Is it a single event that you can pinpoint, or is it a more general time in your life? What is more important to your recollection of this memory -- specific details, or more general impressions?
- Feel. Write about what emotions you feel when you remember this time in your life. Does this memory make you feel happy, wistful, angry or hurt? Why? No matter what, poetry is a fantastic way to explore and accept whatever you're feeling.
- To share or not to share? Is this a memory that you have often shared with others, or have you kept it to yourself? How come? Writing a poem can help you preserve a private memory for you to keep and enjoy, or to help you express something you may have struggled with before.
- Reflect. After you have written about the memory, how do you feel now? Are you happy or peaceful, relieved or upset? These emotions can be just as important to your poem as the emotions from your past.
- Look forward. Our past is a huge part of what shapes our future. Have you learned anything new from these memories? Are there feelings and experiences you want to recreate, or actions you'd like to carry out differently next time? Any of these things can be a part of the poem you're writing, or inspiration for a future project.