My Hero
I am the middle child and still you know
how to slide into my shoes.
You feel the anger I feel when I’m all alone
because for ten years that’s all you’ve ever
Cycle after cycle, year after year
The same beatdown and need to disappear.
You feel the distrust and fear that our parents
built up.
Walking out when they had enough
because “child” wasn’t sincere it was the cruel term
keeping us imprisoned for 21 years.
Instead of being a daughter
I was a paycheck. A debt.
Something my parent regret.
But you are my savior and constant light
Telling me to stick up in the fight
Because at the end of the night
She’ll listen when I call.
Telling me war stories of it all
The constant transfer from base to base
With mom saying, “This is the place.”
Then pick up and go to another state.
N.Carolina I will always feel a little hate
Cause watching my mom leave from the window
I could barely reach
Made me feel like something left aside on the street
And that was just the year 2003
But as the years rolled by and more crap
entered and left our lives
We grew.
Up and away from the hate looking always
to the future
Our heavenly gate.
To the world you may just be another soul
But to me you’re the person who always