My Friend, The Butterfly
A Hebrew prophet from Babylon, known for his faith.
Name Meaning: “Strength in God.”
Deriving from the ancient Anglo-Saxon tribe
Last Name Meaning: “Chestnut.”
I met Ezekiel Castine when I was in the eighth grade,
My very own caterpillar, When his was her, and Ezekiel was Jordan.
Of Hebrew origin
Name Meaning: “Descend” or “Flow Down.”
The caterpillar was shy and timid
Quirky and shaken to the core,
With red hair to the shoulders and a birthmark on the crease of the eye,
One that looked like a butterfly wing.
When I reached my freshmen year
The caterpillar encased itself into a cocoon,
Embracing a shaved head with slight confidence,
Strapping down its chest with a second skin,
One to meld with its own.
Breast Binding.
“The act of flattening one’s breasts by the use of constricting materials.”
See Also: Crossdressing, transgender, dyke.
As my freshman year came to an end, so did Jordan’s transformation.
He went by Ezekiel
And smelt of sunshine and musk
Chestnut hair cut tight to his pink ears,
Much more radiant than long hair,
Flowing down his shoulders
The butterfly unfurled wings of blue pink and white steel
And wore a smile made of stars,
Eyes so bright they lit up the night sky
Zeke chewed up ignorance and spit out knowledge
Ezekiel, my butterfly, a warrior.