My Beauty is True
There are apps upon apps filled with filters upon filters.
They make your skin softer, acne free, free of all flaws.
Many believe beauty lies within these apps, Instagram and Afterlight.
Hide this, hide that, you’re not pretty unless you shrink your fat.
Make sure your lips look bigger, your eyes brighter, your hair shinier, but wait you do not look like that in person, stupid attention whore.
Your selfie did not get one hundred likes? You must be ugly, try this new filter next time.
Many do not see the true beauty of a human, the true beauty of everyone that lies beyond the filters, beyond the photoshop
I am beautiful without filters.
My beauty is true and lies within me
My beauty lies within my hands, my hands that are rough and tore up from working, with nails that sometimes get dirt under them.
My beauty lies within my feet, my feet that sweat when I go for a run and within my shoes that are dirty from getting jumped on at my favorite bands concert.
My beauty lies within my hair that is never straight and always has a knot right in the middle of the back of my hair.
My beauty lies within within my legs that are strong, powerful, and bulky from marching band.
My beauty lies within my arms that are filled with scars caused by constant constant pain.
My beauty lies with in my brain that may suffer from depression, but is so strong. My brain that is so wise and full of passion.
I do not need your filters to be beautiful. I am beautiful just the way I am.
If anyone on this planet ever tells you differently, turn around and call them an ignorant ass hole because you, I, we...are beautiful with #nofilter.