Brain constructs phrases and sentences
Sends the information to the gaping hole
It’s detailed and thorough
Black hole receives it and ruins it effectively
Brain is outraged
Spending so much time composing the right diction and the right way to present it
It was flawless
To just be disrespected and vexed by their colleague
Brain tries again
This time with increasing aggression
Sending voltage signals to the nitwit
Cave gasps and cries
Brain is indifferent to the sobs
Delivering another group of a million wyatt signals
Pit howls in agony
But no words are exiting the darkness
Brain begins to sympathize but quickly returns to the plan
Torture was inflicted onto the hole
Void finally spoke
In jumbled expressions and dialogue
“What? Are you okay?”
Brain is frozen
Everything is frozen
“Are you okay? Is this another anxiety attack?”
Void takes charge
Void has to change this
Void hesitantly flicked a lonesome switch
Void turns a skeptical knob
“No! I-I’m fine…”