Mrs. Play It Safe
Ms. Play it safe, Mrs. take it slow.
Doesn’t know what to do or where to go
Mrs. Overly protective. Mrs. Overcautious.
Worried about the consequences of every little thing.
Too afraid to live life to the fullest, she’d rather live life to the safest.
Mrs. Play it safe, her life is such a waste.
Living in a bubble may keep her out of trouble, but the real trouble is in her head.
The worries, the fears, the demons inside, they won’t always hide.
They will push her to the brink of insanity.
The only way out is to overcome all of those fears inside
But she can’t overcome her fears, she doesn’t want to take the risk.
Living life floating in a bubble of safety is not any life at all, for one day the bubble will pop
And when the bubble pops?