Minutes Tick By, And I'm Still Here
Teacher, my head is spinning
My thoughts are racing, and you
You haven't even opened your mouth yet.
Keep me interested
Keep my eyes on you the whole time
Draw my interest
Make it impossible for my anxiety to snatch me away
Because every neuron in my brain is all cylinders firing
About that curriculum that you love to teach.
Keep focused and become enthused
Knight in shining armor
Tell Anxiety
Tell every disorder that tries to steal those valuable, eager young minds away
Tell them no
Tell them today those brains will think and learn and grow
They will add, multiply, divide
They will speculate about the origins of man and they will think
Think of the complexities of the world
Not of their drunk abusers
Not of the slew of antidepressants waiting for them at home
They will
--For once
Be preoccupied
By you Teacher.
Take your students away from their own destructive minds
And show them yours.
Make each moment a journey
An exploration of what's waiting on the other side
What happens when you finally make it out.
Inspire. And give them something to hold on to.
Teacher, the minutes I spent with you today were well spent.
Even if I don't know it yet.