The Miles Ahead
Solitude is where my comfort exists
And where I'm most blessed to be
Which is why I find myself
Content in a simple thing
Forgive me if it sounds a bit like a country song
A laid-back thing that is my truck and me
My thoughts bounce sporadically through my mind
Like fiery arcs of lightning
A spark of intense flame that dissolves into the cold claws of the storm
But driving alone they calm
The road stretches endlessly before me and my mind follows it like a beacon
My destination changes but the journey is the same
They say you have to slow down to enjoy beauty
I find this untrue
For in flashes out of the corner of my eye
I see ordinary wonders
Children frolick in a yard
An old man sits sentinal in a rocking chair
The autumn leaves wink with colors
Red orange yellow brown
Perched tediously on their branches
Fields of corn sway under a curtain of wind
Cows lazily flick their tails
Swaths of cotton-like clouds coat the cerulean sky
The world keeps turning and I am only passing through
The blaring radio keping a beat
As I view my earth in snapshots
Some days there are storms
Sometimes it's dark
Some days there is snow beating outside the glass
But all it takes is one day
Where the sun seeps through the windows
Enticing me to roll them down
And listen to the wind as it greets me
Restlessly trying to untangle my thick curls
With thin invisible fingers
Still the road is winding and stretching ahead
Soon it will stop
Eventually I will have to return
To the slow mediocre pace of society
Only this moment is mine for now
Just a second
But it is more precious to me
And lovelier to live in
Than whatever is waiting for me
The destination beckons me out of this bliss
Still I ignore it
As the song says, "Life is A Highway"
And I must choose which road to take
However my metal companion will always be there
To carry me to my future
Or back home
One mile at a time.