Everyone around me‘s the same
Wake up go to work eat drink sleep
Wake up go go work eat drink fuck
Go to work eat drink fuck and smoke
I grew in a neighborhood that values tradition
Man go work
Women stay home
Women care for kids
Man bring money
Women cook food
This is how I am
This is all I knew
This is all my neighborhood knew
So why would I think different?
This was a great life
I stood my ground
I worked
I follow the rules
I drank with my friend
Every fucking night
Then something happened
My friend died
He was killed on September 11
It was something about ISIS people
They hate us
They need to die
Something changed in me
I had to make a difference
I went around looking for every person I saw
That looked Muslim
And shot them
I visited all the 7/11s
And succeeded
For the most part
There was one man though
Who I shot in the head
And he didn’t completely die
Fuck, I hit the ground low
He told the police who I was
They even got me on the security tapes
Shit, I was fucked
I am on death row
They said most of them weren’t even Muslim
I thought all Indian looking people was Muslim
I thought all Muslim was ISIS
What the fuck did I do
This man visited me on my death bed
I was expecting him to give me a death threat
But he forgave me
He forgave me for shooting him in the head
He cried and for my death he plead
He fought for me even though I damaged him
He believed that I was just full of sin
He believed that I needed to be saved
He did not want to see me in my grave
I cried and apologized for all my mistakes
I wish I was taught but I wish I was not caught
-based on a true story from The True American: Murder and Mercy in Texas