The Man and The Mouse
Everyone knows the story of the man and the mouse
His famous stories flood through every house
However many do not know the truth
About this successful man's youth
He barely made enough money to stay afloat
Until he created a story about a mouse in a boat
This man gave the mouse his own band
And in return the mouse gave the man a land
It was named after him
Until it was filled to the brim
People wanted more
So he went to the other shore
Whether world or land
Everyone knew of the mouse and the man
Whose friendship had always shown
Even when their wealth and fame had grown
They understood love
As their imagination took off like a dove
Now with this mouse
He left his house
As he flew through the air
He never forgot what got him there
The mouse that taught everyone to be young again
Would always be his most trusted friend
He never let it go to his head
As he granted children's dreams while they slept in their beds
He reminded others never to forgot who they are
As he became the biggest star
Even with all the loot
He remembered his true roots
Hoping to help the next generation
He listened to their new creations
Until the day he died he loved Mickey Mouse
He thanked him for everything down to his old, rusty house
Throughout his life he had stayed very busy
And the world will never forget Walt Disney!
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This poem is very moving. Good job keeping one theme (Walt Disney's relationship to Mickey Mouse) throughout the poem. I have a hard time with that with big topics (like Walt Disney's life).
This is an amazing poem! It's well structured and easy to read! Very enjoyable!
History lesson in a fun way!
great job!
This poem is well written! It reminds us all that we can achieve anything if we believe in ourselves and our dreams just as Walt Disney did. Dream big! Great job!
Such innocences and tender love is visible in your writing! Great concept that was an easy read filled with information and imagery! Kept writing girl!
Clearly written with love.
good job love how you kept it focused.
One of the first times I actually enjoyed poetry
what a great poem good luck!
Words are gifts and your words warm a cold rainy heart and bring a smile on a grown up adults face. Never give up on your dreams! If writing is your passion don't stop till you go to infinity and beyond!
I enjoyed how you found a way to make it enjoyable, easy, and entertaining!
way to go!
Swan Spragans
I love the title for sure and I do like the way you incorporate Mickey's and Disney's relationship and how important it was regardless of the hardships and the fame.
This is amazing.
Very creative ;)