A Magical Journey to Myself
A year ago, I stood at the edge of a cliff
A steep drop-off to the unknown.
I did not know
if I jumped off the edge
I would discover I was able to fly.
I leaped into the void with only my dreams to guide me.
As I was in the air, I found my dreams were my wings.
My dream is for a world where all of humanity can “win”.
My dream is a passionate goal.
As I embark on the next, and perhaps most important, chapter in my life’s story
By immersing in the Film and Television major at New York University,
I will be able to obtain the knowledge and learn the skills
that enable me to make a powerful difference in the world.
I am a young black female.
I am brown-skinned, with a twist.
My mother is black and white,
And my father hails from Ghana, West Africa.
I walk in this world with an interracial and intercultural and international outlook.
I wish from the depths of my heart and soul
To see a world where people can better relate across our differences,
And nobody is “othered” or dehumanized.
Because you must be the change you wish to see in the world,
I have devoted myself to becoming a person I can respect, admire, and love.
I practice yoga every day at the incredible Jivamukti Yoga School.
Last year, I was initiated as a Vedic meditator.
I haven’t missed a day of meditation since.
I go inside myself and out into the cosmos on a deep quest of discovery.
Within me are kaleidoscopes of visionary colors,
Inspiration, happiness, and calls to social action.
I created a beautiful website,
Where I share my visual art, my films,
And my ideas about how we can create a better world.
At college, I will master the ability to create films that catalyze social change
and generate more widespread acceptance of our human differences.
I have already accepted admission to New York University’s
Amazing Tisch School of Film and Television.
It’s a dream come true to study in an ideal setting,
Where I will be able to create films that “change minds”
and act as portals into worlds of beauty, wonder, and truth.
Throughout the past year, I have transformed.
I have evolved into a warrior for peace and freedom for all.
My weapon is my creativity.
I am determined to wield the power of vision and imagination that lies within me
And to transform lives with my films.
As I soar into the future that awaits me,
I am already witnessing the most extraordinary transformation of all:
The transformation of my dreams into realities.
Realities that teach, heal, uplift, and inspire the entire world.