Love is Devotion
Because I Love You,
we are not perfect
and that’s just perfect
Dirty, mortal menaces we are
Constantly staining our white cloths,
Trimmed with lace,
blemishing mistakes leave their mark.
But all can be erased
If one stops their haste
And clean the soiled fabrics
With love so purely forgiving and stark.
Because I Love You,
I can be me with you
and you with me
Absurd masks nonexistent
Our very cores stripped
Nothing to hide behind,
Our bleeding, beating hearts out in the open.
No fear of driving you away
At the end of the day
We only grow closer
Closer to something I never lose hope in.
Because I Love you,
I can let you go
go far out of my reach
What a terrifying world out there
So dark, provoking, and deafening,
I wouldn’t wish such toxins ever come near you.
And yet, it must
To save you from going nowhere
I must let you pay the fare
Of experience only earned
Through humility and strain just.