Loud Bodied
Her body is loud
She shifts her weight, her hips cheer like a concert
When she tosses her hair, it chatters like the babble of a brook
The roll of her shoulders like a chuckle on the breeze
She walks with the sound of a city in her heels
Her soul and her sole in step with a drumbeat kept in time
With the swinging of her arms
Her curves shift like the sweet singing of a bird
She waves with her fingers and the sound of a harp
She’s an angel
She has angles that rock and roll and sing
The chorus of your favorite song trapped between her teeth
Her leg bounces like the bass
She’s a song you can’t get out of your head
Her body is loud, loud, loud
And I never want her song to stop playing
I want her to play her song for me
Her body dances without choreography
Every movement she makes a heavenly improvisation
Her skin ripples like water and her dance flows freely
From her head to her feet I want to applaud her
Performance like I’ve never seen before and
I’m baffled by the music and movement
She makes without trying
She does it without trying
And I’m trying not to stare
It’s not as easy as it looks because
Her dance is hypnotizing and I can’t look away
Every move she makes sets me on fire
The music from her body is a siren song
Everything about her is loud
But I’d never tell her to turn herself down
I would take her volume controls myself
And turn her up until it's the only thing I can hear
Please show me more, I want more
I need more
She’s become the song I always keep near my heart
Not always remembered but never forgotten
Sometimes I feel the beat of her drums in my bones
Sometimes I can hear her song in the back of my mind
And then it stays and it plays
I have it on repeat
The beautiful music her body makes
The loudest thing I’ve ever heard
And I’ve never been happier to have every sound in my head
Become one song for hours on end