It feels like yesterday
It all happened to quick
I cry from it still
Why did you have to go
So young
So bright
So handsome
So sweet
The pain to know
Football will never be the same
I won't be able to see thst shit eatin grin of yours
Your family is hurting
I can't actually talk to you anymore
To think that same night I was doing the same thing
I wish you would've called me rather than make the decision you did
Such a promising future
I saw the struggles we both had growing up
I know you don't have them now,
but my question and everybody
else is why
Why end it
why not call someone
why put others through this hell
why make your family cry the tears they have
why leave those who loved you
I look at the stars and realized that night
there was something different
The sky had a new star shining big and bright
The feeling I got from it since
Has been ease
To know you and are watching over all of us
I miss ya little bronco please know that
and sleep tight until we see each other again.