Learning To Count To New-town's Rhythm
(poems go here) (A young boy is being interviewed on the happenings at Conneticut Elementary. He tries to get it out as best he can, but his feelings right now are a mixture of emotions his soul has never encountered. He begins to speak)
Everyones yelling, but my innocent mind wont allow me to comprehend the current situation
I'ts so loud and there are bodies lying motionless on the floor
Happy living people don't act this way! What is going on and
What is that loud noise!?!
Close my eyes? Why?! How Come?!?
I'm so young,
and curious
No, Not afraid
I just want answers
Well, What about recess? Math class wasn't over yet.
Ms. says to practice my counting so I practice in my head
The loud bangs are adding up too fast, I can't keep up
but No time for distractions, they're giving orders again
I'm following directions, doing what they say
but Today wasn't library day;
No more questions, my body is low head is down
Is everyone ok....and can someone tell me what comes after...
Things are moving so fast
I'm still lost
Where's my mother? Why did we leave class?!
25......26......27......28......people are dead.
Confusion...a new emotion to me.
They say I'm lucky to be here,mommy didn't ask me what I learned today
but I didn't hesitate to tell her I learned two lessons
One: How to finish counting beyond twenty
but this method couldn't have been the right way.
Flawed education
For an explanation
Two: People will continue to die in this nation
Action must be taken.
These numbers will haunt me...forever
37...38...39...(continues to count in background till scene fades out)