Last Solo
A heart beats a steadily thump of a drum
The sun sets above the horizon
But it has not yet warmed my body.
The sun glistens
And the light sparks rainbows in the mist.
The red suited men take away the plank I stood on;
Sadly, it was my life line.
My collar tightens.
Once again I find myself being punished for the sins I have committed.
Like any other song, the bosom drums beats a steadily thump of a heart.
I could hear the ripples in the water,
How the fish jump into the calming river.
I can feel the gush of air isolating my lungs,
Escaping with the wind.
My breath fades to nothing
I see my last paradise.
It’s a beautiful death, you know,
Being as red as a blood tinted rose.
Oh my! I’m such a sight.
The Bosom drum still beats the steadily thump of a heart
as it prepares for its last solo.