The Land of Fear and the Home of a Slave
It´s the Land of the free and the home of the brave
Yet we are not free when we are bound by hate
A mothers heart is torn out when her son is deployed
But what is he fighting for when there is no love or joy?
Our streets are littered with people with no place to stay
Since when did we decide that this was okay?
Our churches no longer speak the word of our God
But the voice of our Devil, yet still we applaud.
Motherless children, widowed Wives
Is this the way we've chosen to live out our lives?
We need a catalyst... a speaker of truth!
How else are we to save our youth?
Shelter the homeless, help our country to medicate.
Help pay for our college, so that we may educate.
Stop the hate, murder, war.
Stop discrimination, or we are done for.
Preach empathy, forgiveness, and love.
Guide the hands of your neighbors, help them rise above.
Will you not join together? Please help us to save
The Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave.