It's Ok For A Man To Cry
At the site of death we are sicken until we bite our tongues,
screaming at the anger that coats us in pain,
and as are eyes become blood shot red we are fighting to decide
if it's ok to cry or go into rage until the night dies.
It's ok for man to cry. All men have been pushed in front of a car.
The car represents the breakup and you represent the love that once was.
Coming to the point where the car is coming straight into an oncoming collision.
Only you can pick up the pieces that aren't missing.
It's ok for a man to cry.
We as men have all experience at some point in time
what it like to beaten to extinction.
Robbed of our dignity and manhood, until we have nowhere to return.
We have been kidnapped of our youth and kindness,
until we are lost and misplaced among reality.
We as men have been dragged to bottom of lakes where we have been tormented.
We as men have all experience the pain that can destroy worlds
and that strangles you of any chance of life.
It's ok for a man cry.
We as men should all know what it's like lose everything.
What it's like to wander alone as if we were hiding.
We can be the art of surrounding, illusion, and controlling.
We can be blind, deaf, and stupid when backed into a corner,
but we as men always know all the ways of escape that's possible.
We all know what we can be described as,
but we can't escape what isn't clear or
are we afraid of our tears or maybe it's the reason of change.
It's ok for a man to cry.
We have all made loud noises so we can be hard.
We have made a foundation so we couldn't be moved.
We have seen as far as the land grows and as deep as the land drops under water,
but we haven't touch every person there is.
But I the foundation will move the tears of joy out of the men that has been moved.
It's ok for a man to cry.
Hear me roar, hear me devour, but don't hear me in my moment of weakness.
I shall yell to my God because I can't change who I am.
I was born with these tools to ran:
walk, touch, feel, hear, speak, see, and to remember,
but I wasn't born with a fear of change.
God didn't give every men a fear change,
a fear life, good health, eyes to see with, legs to walk,
a voice to be heard by other or even a change to remember what they did yesterday.
So me who is a man will cry for those who can't.