It's My Life
A little girl,
grew up so fast,
so many choices.
What shoes to wear,
what friends to make,
and who to date.
Grew up so fast.
New choices,
new challenges
more responsibility
Old problems,
seem so small.
Now they ask,
where will I work,
what about school?
trade school,
or maybe a job.
I'll always remember,
the little girl
golfing girl.
Ever since she was little,
she had a mission,
to get a job,
do what she loved.
To go to college,
and play golf
but where?
Millersville University.
She had choices,
but none would compare.
Millersville has no money for golf
but she smiles,
she knows this is the path she will take.
After college she will have a degree,
She loves to public speak,
and power points are her thing.
Her goal in life,
to meet a man
a man she admired for years,
Rickey Fowler.
A professional golfer,
sponsored by Puma.
their women's line
quite small.
My goal,
to make it bigger,
best in the world.
and eventually,
to have a family,
a child,
a girl,
who loves to golf.
In Arizona,
all over the world,
especially Japan.
My name,
Alexa Marie Strong,
I'm 17,
I have my whole life ahead.
It’s my life
it’s now or never,
because I ‘m not going to live forever,
I just want to live while I’m alive,
because it’s my life!