It's All I Need It To Be
I used to stay up late into the deep dark night
I would watch, think, read, or give myself a fright
The darkness under my baggy green eyes gave way
As the exhaustion would hit me from the day
The pile of pain would grow, changing, feeling, tossing emotions to and ‘fro
The day had struggles, heavy and large and many
From watching a mom in pain, red hot but not curable by easy means
To going to school and hiding the sad the angry the confused and mad
It took a toll on a young one so fresh to the world
The emotion of the young is so easily boiled as one toils through paths of hardship
The same was for me and myself as we struggled to pull ourselves up
Pull I did and I pulled harshly so strongly my arms almost gave out
That’s when I started writing
Writing came easily, it came quickly and proficiently to me
Through writing I could be angry or sad or happy and frillfull
Through writing my mother could be the hero, the fighter, strong and powerful
Through writing I could be happy
And happy I was
I still stay up late into the dark deep night
It doesnt matter to me, the frights
Writing takes it away, locks in and encases it, strong and magnificent
The struggles put to paper through pen in pretty prose and poetry
I would take them to the dreary hospital and read them to my hero
I would read them, write them, live them, love them, as if my poetry were my child
This child that showed me love when I needed it
This love that made me strong again to the harshness of the the world
Poetry helps free me, excites me, and teaches me
Poetry is all I need it to be