When you’re young, you’re invincible
There are no consequences
You drive too fast, slurp too many shots, and run faster than your legs want to go
Until your car wraps itself around a tree
Then your engine doesn’t start, your throat doesn’t swallow, and your legs are now too numb to feel
Oh, where are my legs?
She was taken to the hospital as everyone waited in agony
She’s too young to bury, she’s invincible
You never think your teammate will die
When you’re happy, you’re invincible
There are no tragedies
You work too hard, you love too deep, and fill up your schedule with many things to accomplish
Until your scans show all the signs for cancer
Then your work goes untouched, your lover only worries for you, and your schedule is marked with chemo appointments
Oh, how can I afford this?
She spends weeks in the hospital as everyone prays in agony
She’s too happy to bury, she’s invincible
You never think your aunt will get breast cancer
I turned 18 this year, finally an “adult”
There are now consequences
There are now tragedies
I am too young for the world yet too old for this school
I am too sad for my friends, too smart for my classes, growing too big for my home
But I’m trapped and cannot leave
She didn’t survive the car crash
There are consequences
I now carry the grief
My aunt has breast cancer
There are tragedies
I now carry the weight
I am too heavy for this soft life
I am no longer invincible